United Kingdom

The HistoSonics System for Treatment of Primary and Metastatic Liver Tumors Using Histotripsy

This is a single-arm, non-randomized prospective trial designed to assess the effectiveness and safety of the HistoSonics System, a novel treatment for primary or metastatic liver tumors. The trial aims to evaluate how well the system works and its safety profile in targeting liver tumors.

The HistoSonics System for Treatment of Primary and Metastatic Liver Tumors Using Histotripsy Read More »

Safety and Efficacy of IMC-F106C as a Single Agent and in Combination With Checkpoint Inhibitors

Brenetafusp (IMC-F106C) is an immune-mobilizing monoclonal T cell receptor against cancer (ImmTAC ®) designed for the treatment of cancers positive for the tumor-associated antigen PRAME. This is a first-in-human trial designed to evaluate the safety and efficacy of brenetafusp in adult patients who have the appropriate HLA-A2 tissue marker and whose cancer is positive for

Safety and Efficacy of IMC-F106C as a Single Agent and in Combination With Checkpoint Inhibitors Read More »

Study of Roginolisib in UM Patients (OCULE-01)

This Phase II study is being conducted at multiple centres to evaluate the effectiveness of a drug called Roginolisib in treating advanced or metastatic ocular/uveal melanoma. The study is open-label, meaning all participants will know they are receiving the treatment, and participants will be randomly assigned to different treatment groups to assess the anti-tumour activity

Study of Roginolisib in UM Patients (OCULE-01) Read More »

Study of RP-3500, Camonsertib, in Advanced Solid Tumors

This Phase 1/2a study, known as the TRESR Study, is investigating the safety, how the body processes and responds to the drug (pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics), and the early effectiveness of RP-3500 (camonsertib) in treating advanced solid tumours with specific genetic mutations. RP-3500 will be tested both on its own and in combination with talazoparib (a

Study of RP-3500, Camonsertib, in Advanced Solid Tumors Read More »

DETERMINE (Determining Extended Therapeutic Indications for Existing Drugs in Rare Molecularly Defined Indications Using a National Evaluation Platform Trial) – Master Screening Protocol (DETERMINE)

DETERMINE is an open-label phase II/III trial. It will look at targeted treatments in rare cancers or common cancers with rare genetic change (mutation). Participants must have a cancer with an identified mutation. This could be found during routine testing or as part of another research programme.

DETERMINE (Determining Extended Therapeutic Indications for Existing Drugs in Rare Molecularly Defined Indications Using a National Evaluation Platform Trial) – Master Screening Protocol (DETERMINE) Read More »

A Phase 3 Randomized, Masked, Controlled Trial to Evaluate Efficacy and Safety of Belzupacap Sarotalocan (AU-011) Treatment Compared to Sham Control in Subjects with Primary Indeterminate Lesions or Small Choroidal Melanoma (CoMpass)

The primary objective is to determine the safety and efficacy of belzupacap sarotalocan (bel-sar) compared to sham control in patients with primary indeterminate lesions (IL) or small choroidal melanoma (CM).

A Phase 3 Randomized, Masked, Controlled Trial to Evaluate Efficacy and Safety of Belzupacap Sarotalocan (AU-011) Treatment Compared to Sham Control in Subjects with Primary Indeterminate Lesions or Small Choroidal Melanoma (CoMpass) Read More »

Tebentafusp in Molecular Relapsed Disease (MRD) Melanoma (TebeMRD)

Researchers are exploring better ways to manage people with intermediate or high-risk resected cutaneous melanoma or primary uveal melanoma. This study is investigating the use of a new blood test to guide when to administer a drug called tebentafusp. Tebentafusp has previously been tested in clinical trials for patients with advanced cutaneous and uveal melanoma.

Tebentafusp in Molecular Relapsed Disease (MRD) Melanoma (TebeMRD) Read More »

(Neo)Adjuvant IDE196 (Darovasertib) in Patients With Localized Ocular Melanoma

Phase 2 multi-center open-label IDE196 study in patients with primary uveal melanoma requiring either enucleation or plaque brachytherapy. Patients will be treated in neoadjuvant setting up to 6 months (or maximum benefit) followed by primary local therapy. An additional 6 months of adjuvant treatment to follow with long term follow-up (up to 3 years) to

(Neo)Adjuvant IDE196 (Darovasertib) in Patients With Localized Ocular Melanoma Read More »

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