Carers Study Information

We are looking for people to participate in a research study to learn how those closest to people with uveal melanoma* (eye cancer) cope, adapt and adjust to changes in their lives in the first year following the diagnosis.

Click here for Participant Information Sheet

Before the interview, we will ask you to sign a consent form to be in the study.

*Choroidal, ciliary body and some iris melanomas, are all types of uveal melanoma. 

Participation would involve taking part in one online or telephone interview with a researcher from the University of Liverpool and completing a questionnaire.

We would like to invite you to participate in the study if you are:

A person over the age of 18 who cares for and supports someone:

  • Who is a UM survivor and is a close family member or friend
  • Who was diagnosed and treated for UM between 1 and 4 years ago
  • Who was present in your life at the time of diagnosis.
  • Who you have been closely supporting since their diagnosis e.g. physically, socially, and emotionally.
  • Who has no evidence of spread to other parts of the body (i.e. no metastatic/ secondary disease)

A person:

  • Who is not currently undergoing cancer treatment  
  • Who understands and speaks English.
  • Are able to give fully informed consent to participate in the study.

If you would like further information, please follow the link to the Participant Information Sheet. If you are interested in participating and would talk to Laura Hope-Stone who is running the study with colleagues from the University of Liverpool please complete the ‘consent to contact’ form to request a telephone call.

If you would like to receive the study information by post, please click here

Participation might involve thinking and talking about issues you may find upsetting. Every care will be taken to support you and may include signposting you to sources of support if needed.

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