This Resources page offers a wealth of information related to Ocular Melanoma. Explore our Resource Library, which features published papers and research studies providing valuable insights into the condition.
Stay informed about ongoing and upcoming Clinical Trials through our regularly updated list, ensuring you have access to the latest information.
Additionally, read personal Member Stories that share experiences and journeys with Ocular Melanoma, fostering support and connection within our community.
Resource Library
Our helpline is run by staff and volunteers, with calls returned within 24 hours if we cannot take your call.
Clinical Trials
At Ocular Melanoma UK, we want to bring people together to make Ocular Melanoma feel a little less rare.
Member Stories
We would like our members to have the information and psychological and emotional support they need.
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- Access to our online community
- Monthly E-bulletins
- Discounts on items in our online shop section
- Access to free, expert psychological & emotional support counselling
- Free entrance to our annual conference, member meet ups and annual general meeting.