More About the Service

If you would like psychological support from Laura please complete the form below. Laura will arrange an assessment session with you on the telephone which lasts about 60 mins. During this session you will be able to talk about how you are feeling and together you can discuss what would be helpful for you at this time. If you both agree further support is needed, then this will be arranged. Further sessions will be 50 minutes and will be tailored to suit your individual needs. It might be that Laura thinks that she is not the best person to help you and may suggest other sources of support and these will be discussed with you.

What about data protection?

During the sessions Laura will make written notes; These notes will not be available to Ocular Melanoma UK. She will treat any personal information recorded in accordance with all laws concerning the protection of personal data. Laura is firmly committed to practising according to The British Psychological Society’s Code of Ethics and Conduct. Laura Hope-Stone complies thoroughly with the guidelines set within The Data Protection Act 1998 and General Data Protection Rules (GDPR) 2018. Any personal information that she may hold is bound by the terms of this act.

What about Confidentiality?

What is discussed within sessions is kept confidential but there are some important limits to confidentiality:
If someone indicates a risk of harm to themselves or others, or if Laura hears of someone else at risk of harm, she has a duty to share this information with other agencies in order to protect whoever is at risk. It is sometimes necessary to share limited information with other medical professionals or organisations involved in your care. This will be discussed and agreed with you at your first appointment. Good professional practice for psychologists includes receiving supervision of their practice by another suitably qualified therapist. This means that individual work is discussed. However, supervising therapists are also bound by confidentiality.

What if I have received psychological support from Laura on the NHS, can my family member also speak to her?

Laura would be unable to support two people from the same family as there would be a conflict of interest.  A conflict may arise when member has received psychological support from Laura Hope-Stone either via Ocular Melanoma UK or through the NHS at Liverpool Ocular Oncology Centre (LOOC).

If this is the case, then Laura will pass your referral form with your permission to Dr Sharon Cook  or Helen Ullmer.

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